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Here you can find the most recent research progress for the HIYIELD project.

Realized Outcomes

Completed Deliverables Report

Deliverable No.

Deliverable Name

Work Package No

Lead Benificiary

D1.2 Technology Watch Report M12 WP 1 KTH
D2.1  Database of suitable scrap types as process feedstock WP 2 AEIF
D2.2 Report on defined Scenarios and Improvements WP 2 KTH
D2.3 Database on demands, limitations, online data availability on scrap usage in steelmaking WP 2 FENO
D3.1  Report on the implementation of the infrastructure at demo plant WP 3 MIN
D3.2 Report on augmented reality visualization for direct plant operator WP 3 KTH
D3.3 Software and algorithms for scrap identification developed WP 3 SAG
D4.1 Report on sorting, upgrading and use of postconsumer scraps WP 4 AEIF
D7.1  Plan for Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation activities - M6 WP 7 KTH
D7.2 Plan for Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation activities - M18 WP 7 KTH
D7.5 Data Management Plan - M6 WP 7 KTH

Achieved Milestones 

Milestone No

Milestone Name

Work Package No

Lead Benificiary

1 Scenarios defined WP 2 FENO
2 Infrastructure prepared WP 3 MIN


